Monday, December 3, 2018

"Whenever I Assign Someone to Puerto Rico, I Smile" - Elder Christofferson

hi! this week was a good one. some highlights:
1. we balled up yesterday with some jovenes and i almost won in LOCO (the hispanic version of HORSE) #stillgotit #notbreakingthesabbathday #justinvitingotherstocomeuntoChrist
2. DAVID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hes so cute. we had a few citas with him this week and hes reading the book of mormon and is in Jacob! and he said "desde que ellos pusieron sus manos sobre mi cabeza para darme el don del espiritu santo, todo lo que hago es llorar! se van a secar los ojos!" hahahahahah. he cried when he said the prayer in our cita. hes so cool. FAVORITE PERSON EVER
3. yesterday i got roasted in church by my other favorite person ever hermano perotti. he asked me "te gusta la pasta?" and i said "si!!!!" and he said "se nota" and just walked away. #burned. but its ok because hes like 80 and so cool
4. we have a member in our ward who has brought us donuts the last 2 sundays #blessed
5. it was my half birthday and NO ONE REMEMBERED
6. we had a zone activity today in arecibo in the cueva del indio and it was sooooooooooo pretty!!!!!!! and i defeated death like 4 times (literally, i thought i was gonna die as we were climbing around in the caves). but i did it. #takethat
7. we found some solid new investigators, including a couple named angel and yolanda and she asked us "les gusta puerto rico?" and i was like "claro!!!!! es el mejor pais!!!!! mucho mejor que los estados unidos, el clima, la comida, la gente" and she was so proud and said "que bueno que te encanta mi pais" its true its the best, thats why i put the title what i did because thats what elder christofferson said when he came!!!!!!!!! #bestmission

love you all!!!! have a great week!!!!

1. pretty flowers!
2. rainbow!!!
3. district meeting for my half birthday party
4. piñon!
5. viewz
6. #iluminaelmundo! IDK why no one else wore their yellow vest..................…
7. lizard on our car part 2..........
8. ok you cant even tell how big the plate is because the fork is also really big but THIS WAS THE BIGGEST PLATE OF FOOD IVE EVER EATEN AND SHE GAVE US TWO OF THEM HAHA
9. betzaida!! (a less active lady that we're working with)
10. david <33333333333
12. my pal
13. the district
14. just ride the ~~OLA~~ orar, leer, asistir :)
15. yeet

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