Monday, September 24, 2018

Mom Lyfe - September 24, 2018

hi!! this week was super awesome. whitewash training is LIT!!! haha toa baja is a lot different than rio grande. the ward is a big ward of about 70 active members and the area is HUGE. we cover 5 pueblos and we share a car with the hermanas that we live with/share the area with, so we do a lot more walking than we did in rio grande and cabo rojo. but its fuun. getting reaaalll tan. (i use sunscreen, mom)
on tuesday i got my daughter, hermana wilkey. she's super cool! she's from utah and is fresh out of the mtc. training is a good time. we have been doing lots of contacting/finding new investigators this week. looots of it. but we've seen lots of miracles. like we literally have no idea where we are/where we're going, but God is helping us out a lot. our first day, some members offered to take us out for like 3 hours, which was a HUGE help because we literally had no plans/idea what we were going to do. but we visited some less actives with them and got to know a tiny part of the area. HUGE MIRACLE. and we've found some super cool people from old investigators and just talking to everyone. 
we have 2 investigators from the sisters who were here before us, and theyre soooooooo cool! we put them on date this week for october 13th. they're sooo golden. they've been looking for the truth for a long time. they're named rosario and virgilio! 
training is fun, its helping me to be a better missionary and person. and hermana wilkey is learning spanish and its fun to help her out and watch her improve
from my reading this week:
alma37:34 Enséñales no cansarse nunca de las buenas obras, sino ser mansos humildes de corazón; porque estos hallarán descansopara sus almas.
also we read alma 36, which is my fav chapter. woohoo!
hope everyone has a great week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hermana murphy

1. noche de hogar in my last night in rio grande!
2. farah <3
3. our investigators maria and noly! 
4. lily, naara, and juan
5. wanda! 
6. me n mija
7. frappe!
8. lol rain storms :-)

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Transfers! - September 17, 2018

hiii!!! yesterday we got transfer calls and im getting transferred to toa baja! crazy stuff. and im going to be whitewashing and training!!! im super excited. sad to leave rio grande, because the people here are so SPECIAL and we're probably about to have like 10 baptisms. but im excited to go to another ward and train a new missionary!!! 
this week was soooooo gooooood. yesterday we had SIX investigators in church, three of which have a baptismal date. benjamin (who i sent a pic with) came and hes soooo cool. we just found him contacting and he let us come back and hes legiiiiitttt. weve found a lot of our investigators by contacting which is very surprising. because its usually not effective. but in the campo. thats where is at. the gold mine
also rene and magali came to church (the ones with the machete giving us fruit). they gave us so much fruit. a whole branch thing of like 40 bananas, star fruit, uvas playeras, and lemons. hahahah. I LOVE LOIZA! ITS THE PROMISED LAND!!!! everyone is so cool and nice. 
other exciting stuff that happened this week..... the cool 19 year old that i wrote about last weeek texted us and asked for a copy of doctrine and covenants and pearl of great price hahahhaa. hes so sick. hes definitely gonna get baptized
we also had zone conference and president gonzales from the area presidency came and it was super goooood. i love zone conference!!!!!! 
other than that. a normal week in the PRSJ mission. sweating and getting really tan :))))))

todas las cosas indican que hay un Dios, sí, aun la tierra y todo cuanto hay sobre ella, sí, y su movimiento, sí, y también todos los planetas que se mueven en su orden regular testifican que hay un Creador Supremo.

hermana murphy

1. attempting to take a zone selfie lolololololololol rip #zoneactivities!
2. zone conference!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3. mtc reunion haha lol
4. ballin in the rain with yemil and yesiel
5. our investigators foraging to get us fruit. blessed
6. benjamin!!!!!!!!!!!
7. our swaggin book of mormon class!

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Good Week - September 10, 2018

hi friends. this week was another good week. i am trying to listen to president nelson's council about d&c 88:63 and grow closer to the Savior, so i am back on reading all the references in the topical guide about Christ (i'm about half way done, 5  months in haha), i finished reading the new testament this week (woohoo!!!) and i started reading Jesus the Christ. WOOOOOW THAT BOOK IS SO GOOD. you should all read it. i've always been scared of it because its so big but wow i can barely put it down. i've already read over 100 pages in less than a week (and as a missionary.... where we only get like an hour a day to ourselves hahah). so yes. that's what i've been doing studies wise. we're still doing the book of mormon challenge as a mission and this morning i read alma 20. 
here's some verses that i liked from this week:
alma 15
aconteció que Alma le dijotomándolo de la mano: ¿Crees en el poder de Cristo para salvar?él respondió dijo: Sí, creo todas las palabras quhas enseñado.dijo Alma: Si crees en la redención de Cristo, tú puedes ser sanado.él dijo: Sí, yo creo según tus palabras.10 Entonces Alma clamó al Señor, diciendo: ¡Oh Señor Dios nuestro, ten misericordia de esthombre sánalosegún su fe que está en Cristo!
i have been learning a lot about the atonement of Jesus Christ as i have been studying in this part of Alma and i like this example because zeezrom was soooo bad but even he could be healed by the grace of Christ. its really for everyone
this week we recieved a referral from the hermanas that are serving in fajardo for a 19 year old boy, ely, that they contacted while doing the book of mormon experiment in the univesrsity over there. we met him yesterday and he is sooooooo cool. hes active in his evangelical church but he said that he has been reading the book of mormon and he studied the restoration pamphlet that the missionaries gave him and he had so many questions. he wanted all of our pamphlets (luckily we had one of each to give him) and he just wants to know everything he can. and he asks so many questions, but he actually listens when we answer (opposed to a lot of people, who ask questions, then argue with us when we answer haha) and is very mature for a 19 year old boy haha. we just stood outside of his house for an hour yesterday answering all of his questions and it was like the coolest conversation ever. he is very prepared.  i LOVE meeting the prepared people who are just HUNGRY for the gospel. its the best feeling ever.
the mission is the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!🙌
have a great week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
love hermana murphy
1. exchanges yay!2. we found the beach in loiza3-5. look how BEEAAAUUUTTIIFFUUULLL

Monday, September 3, 2018

THE PROPHET CAME - September 3, 2018

hi!! this week was great. president nelson came!!!!!!!!!!!!! it was sooooooo cool. we watched a devotional on saturday from the dominican republic for all the missionaries in the caribean and then on sunday, president nelson came to puerto rico and gave a special devotional for all of puerto rico! it was sweeeeet. it was for all the members in the whole island so i got to see all of my friends from san german and cabo rojo!!!!!!! it was the best. so happy. and president nelson and elder renlund spoke and president nelson bore his testimony in SPANISH. that was probably the best part for everyone. to hear the prophet speak in their own language. president nelson talked a lot about the gathering of israel and used the scripture 2 nephi 10: 7-8, talking about how puerto rico is a big part because we are on the islands of the sea. and he talked a lot about how we have to know the savior to access his power.
D&C88:63 Draw near unto me and I will draw near unto you; seekme diligently and ye shall find me; ask, and ye shall receive; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. 
it was so gooooood. like general conference but BETTER. 
it was such a happy day. puerto rico is very blessed. president nelson just woke up last week at 2 AM and said that the Lord inspired him to come to the caribean, so he did. and he gave that devotional for all of the caribean, except puerto rico. then he came just for puerto rico. so cooooool
so yeah it was a great day yesterday. 
the rest of the week was good too. just teaching repentance and baptizing converts.
hermana murphy

1. MLC
2. mlc part 2
3. hermana morales!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4. i saw my convert, nayelis, from san german!!!!!!
5. ramon y virgen from san german :)))))))))
6. THE CRUZ FAM <3333