Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Baptism!! - November 26, 2018

OUR 87 YEAR OLD BFF DAVID GOT BAPTIZED!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT WAS SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HES SOOOOOO CUTE LOOOK AT THESE PICS :''''''') and he was confirmed yesterday and recieved the aaronic priesthood. woop woop! hes so cool. we are so blessed to teach him. the service was super good, there was a lot of support from the ward. hes just SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (usually, we're not supposed to call boys cute on the mission, but hes older than my grandparents so its fine)
thanksgiving was great, we had two dinners (with the negrons and the toros). we had lots of turkey, arroz con gandules, and potato salad and postres!!! yum!
im so thankful for the mission and all the experiences ive had! its the best. im glad its not over yet.
this last week (besides the baptism) weve been working a lot on finding new investigators and on monday night, all of our plans fell thorugh so we werent really sure what to do, and we were in an area thats a little sketchy (lol) so we were going to leave and go somewhere else but we said a prayer to know where to go and i just got a feeling "stay where you are" and i was like uhhh ok...... thats not what i wouldve chosen but alright. so we contacted the street and met 4 people just walking around who all have lots of potential! it was a miracle. blessings of listening to the spirit. and of talking to everyone!

love you all!!
hermana murphy

remember to always be thanksful!!!
D&C 78:19 el que reciba todas lacosas con gratitud será glorificado; le serán añadidas las cosas de esta tierra, hasta cien tantossí, más.  

1. DAVID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4. zone conference!
5. thanksgiving zone conference
6. he is the ////LIGHT//// of the world #iluminaelmundo
8. happy zonesgiving!
9. i won the designated backup award, since i havent been able to drive for the second half of my mission bc of my expired license :)
10. my bffs, the pearsons and the flakes
11. happy thanksgiving with the negrons!

Monday, November 19, 2018

Crazy Stuff - November 19, 2018

hii!!!!! this week was super great!!! lots of crazy stuff happened (hence the subject)
some good stuff:

mission conference with elder christofferson!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it was amazing. we all got to shake his hand and he started out by seeing if we had any questions. so of course i thought of one and asked it, so now i can say that i asked him a question hehe. all of them talked a lot about scripture study and how we should take advantage of the time we have every day to study the scripures, so i asked how we can best do that. one thing that he said is to SUBMERGE YOURSELF in the scriptures. and look at them as things that can really answer your questions/solve your problems and look for the answers. good stuff. the spirit was very strong and we sang my favorite hymn (138 - senor yo te seguire) to finish so it was a great meeting. i was going to write more stuff but i forgot my notebook with all my notes at home so youll just have to wait :)

DAVID IS GOING TO BE BAPTIZED ON SATURDAY!!!! hes so CUUUUTE!!!!!!!! i wrote about him last week, hes 87 and last week before rosario and virgilios baptism he kept saying "no me voy a cambiar" and then he went to their baptism and church and last monday night, we taught him and extended a date for the 24th and he accepted! he felt the spirit at the baptism and now he wants to be baptized and hes super excited!! he came again yesterday to church and loved it. hes so cool. he has kept all his commitments and loves everything. yesterday he said that he wants to read the whole book of mormon. its been pretty crazy having everything happen so fast but its super awesome and fun!

one more story, on saturday after the conference, we were out just walking around the plaza en dorado and talking to lots of people, and then we tried to go contact this one referral and it tuns out that it was a bad address, so we were walking back and i just randomly decided to call into this one house and a lady came out and she said "quienes son ustedes?" and i said "somos misioneras de la iglesia de jesucristo de los santos de los ultimos dias y estamos aqui para compartir un mensaje con usted!!" and she started crying because she had been praying in that very moment and she let us in and it was a super huge miracle. she says that she feels like shes been missing something in her life and we came right at the right moment. shes going out of town for like a month this week which stinks but im glad we could help her right when she needed it :))))))

so yep those are some of the big miracles we saw this week.
love yall!!!!
hermana murphy

1. the mish with elder christofferson! (haha front and center)
2. more flag
3. i turned 17!
4. more flag
5. more more flag
6. how many pr flags can you count in this picture?
7. dinner with the RCs!
8. the squaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad! MOST LEGENDARY MTC GROUP
9. friend!!!!

Monday, November 12, 2018

Baptizm - November 12, 2018

hiii!!! this week was amazing, rosario and virgilio got DUNKED!!!!! (and confirmed!) (dont forget that important detail). the baptism was amazing, president and hermana smart came! rosario and virgilio were very happy :) rosario kept crying. it was super spiritual. im proud of them!
we had an investigator, david come to the baptism! david is LIT. hes 87, but he looks like hes like 70. and he doesnt even use glasses to read. haha. we just found him one day when we were doing some less active hunting and i saw him painting his fence and thought that we should go talk to him, so we did. his wife died about 3 months ago from cancer and he has talked to missionaries before. when we taught him, he said that he wasnt going to change, but then he somehow agreed to come to the baptism AND church and he did! to both! and after the baptism, elder pearson was talking to him and said "espero venir a su bautismo pronto!" and david was like "si" hahah so basically hes gonna get baptized. so we're pretty pumped. hes cool. and he loved church yesterday. woop woop
on last moonday we had a noche de hogar with rosario (virgilio couldnt come) and we taught about the temple and she said "my husband and i have never gone on a trip but our first trip will be to go to the temple." AW. my heart
basically it was a pretty great week. yay! baptisms! toa baja is doing great!!
hermana murphy

1. yayy!!!!!
2. haha rosario is crying in this pic
3. prez and hermana smart came!!! <3
6. flamboyant
7. merfy n milky
9. yep

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Fun Times - November 5, 2018

heyy!!! this week was pretty good! so rosario and virgilio are going to be baptized on saturday! they just need to get baptized. there has been so many crazy things that have happened trying to stop them from getting baptized, but if all goes well this week, they will get baptized on saturday! they came to church yesterday and rosario bore her testimony on how she knows that missionaries are sent from God and spiritually prepared to find the people that need the gospel, and it was soo cute! virgilio cant smoke at all this week so he needs lots of prayers this week so he can have the strength. please pray for them!!!!!!!!!!!! we are going to have a noche de hogar with them in the house of a member family tonight and talk about temples! :))) 
milton also came to church and stayed for all three hours!! he is so cool, but his wife is a SW (all you real ones know what im sayin). he said yesterday that his wife was not happy that he came to church.... but we fasted and and are praying for her. yesterday was full of miracles, for example at like 8 AM milton texted us and said that his car wouldnt turn on so he couldnt come to church...... so hermana wilkey and i knelt down and prayed that his car would be able to turn on and then a couple minutes later we called him and WOO it turned on! haha stressful sundays.......... but everything worked out great. 
also a few weeks ago we were looking for a less active lady and they didnt answer so we asked around and asked the neighbors if she lived there, and it turns out that she died (that actually happens a lot, the records are very outdated and like half of the less actives that we look for are dead) but the neighbors, carmen and yvonne, are so cool! carmen is the mom and shes like 80 and yvonne is the daughter and she is super friendly and told us that her supervisor at work is a member of the church in caguas and they talk all the time about the gospel. so we had tried going back like 2 times but they hadnt been there, but last night they were and we taught the restoration and i asked "cree que esto podria ser verdadera?" and yvonne said "estoy convencida que si... siempre he cuestionado si lo que ensenan en la iglesia es verdadero porque tiene sentido que la biblia ha perdido mucho y nos hacen creer que Dios es mean and angry pero yo creo que el es amoroso y misericordioso" and stuff like that and she understood the lesson so well and we invited her to baptism and she said that she would be baptized! SHOUTOUT to her boss for being the MVP and talking to her about the gospel
so yeah it was a super good week.lots of good stuff happening here in toa baja

3 nefi 13
19 No os acumuléis tesoros sobre la tierra, donde la polilla el moho corrompen, los ladrones minan roban;
20 sino acumulaos tesoros en los cielos, donde ni la polilla ni el moho corrompen, donde los ladrones no minan ni roban.
21 Porque donde esté vuestro tesoro, allí estará también vuestro corazón.
hermana murphy

1. nereida THE REAL MVP
2. chickenz
3. pancakes