Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Baptism!! - November 26, 2018

OUR 87 YEAR OLD BFF DAVID GOT BAPTIZED!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT WAS SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HES SOOOOOO CUTE LOOOK AT THESE PICS :''''''') and he was confirmed yesterday and recieved the aaronic priesthood. woop woop! hes so cool. we are so blessed to teach him. the service was super good, there was a lot of support from the ward. hes just SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (usually, we're not supposed to call boys cute on the mission, but hes older than my grandparents so its fine)
thanksgiving was great, we had two dinners (with the negrons and the toros). we had lots of turkey, arroz con gandules, and potato salad and postres!!! yum!
im so thankful for the mission and all the experiences ive had! its the best. im glad its not over yet.
this last week (besides the baptism) weve been working a lot on finding new investigators and on monday night, all of our plans fell thorugh so we werent really sure what to do, and we were in an area thats a little sketchy (lol) so we were going to leave and go somewhere else but we said a prayer to know where to go and i just got a feeling "stay where you are" and i was like uhhh ok...... thats not what i wouldve chosen but alright. so we contacted the street and met 4 people just walking around who all have lots of potential! it was a miracle. blessings of listening to the spirit. and of talking to everyone!

love you all!!
hermana murphy

remember to always be thanksful!!!
D&C 78:19 el que reciba todas lacosas con gratitud será glorificado; le serán añadidas las cosas de esta tierra, hasta cien tantossí, más.  

1. DAVID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4. zone conference!
5. thanksgiving zone conference
6. he is the ////LIGHT//// of the world #iluminaelmundo
8. happy zonesgiving!
9. i won the designated backup award, since i havent been able to drive for the second half of my mission bc of my expired license :)
10. my bffs, the pearsons and the flakes
11. happy thanksgiving with the negrons!

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