Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Good Week - September 10, 2018

hi friends. this week was another good week. i am trying to listen to president nelson's council about d&c 88:63 and grow closer to the Savior, so i am back on reading all the references in the topical guide about Christ (i'm about half way done, 5  months in haha), i finished reading the new testament this week (woohoo!!!) and i started reading Jesus the Christ. WOOOOOW THAT BOOK IS SO GOOD. you should all read it. i've always been scared of it because its so big but wow i can barely put it down. i've already read over 100 pages in less than a week (and as a missionary.... where we only get like an hour a day to ourselves hahah). so yes. that's what i've been doing studies wise. we're still doing the book of mormon challenge as a mission and this morning i read alma 20. 
here's some verses that i liked from this week:
alma 15
aconteció que Alma le dijotomándolo de la mano: ¿Crees en el poder de Cristo para salvar?él respondió dijo: Sí, creo todas las palabras quhas enseñado.dijo Alma: Si crees en la redención de Cristo, tú puedes ser sanado.él dijo: Sí, yo creo según tus palabras.10 Entonces Alma clamó al Señor, diciendo: ¡Oh Señor Dios nuestro, ten misericordia de esthombre sánalosegún su fe que está en Cristo!
i have been learning a lot about the atonement of Jesus Christ as i have been studying in this part of Alma and i like this example because zeezrom was soooo bad but even he could be healed by the grace of Christ. its really for everyone
this week we recieved a referral from the hermanas that are serving in fajardo for a 19 year old boy, ely, that they contacted while doing the book of mormon experiment in the univesrsity over there. we met him yesterday and he is sooooooo cool. hes active in his evangelical church but he said that he has been reading the book of mormon and he studied the restoration pamphlet that the missionaries gave him and he had so many questions. he wanted all of our pamphlets (luckily we had one of each to give him) and he just wants to know everything he can. and he asks so many questions, but he actually listens when we answer (opposed to a lot of people, who ask questions, then argue with us when we answer haha) and is very mature for a 19 year old boy haha. we just stood outside of his house for an hour yesterday answering all of his questions and it was like the coolest conversation ever. he is very prepared.  i LOVE meeting the prepared people who are just HUNGRY for the gospel. its the best feeling ever.
the mission is the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!🙌
have a great week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
love hermana murphy
1. exchanges yay!2. we found the beach in loiza3-5. look how BEEAAAUUUTTIIFFUUULLL

1 comment:

  1. Que bueno Hermana que todo esté saliendo bien, la felicito por terminar el libro. Le extrañamos mucho aquí en Layton y esperamos poder verla pronto!!!
