on tuesday i got my daughter, hermana wilkey. she's super cool! she's from utah and is fresh out of the mtc. training is a good time. we have been doing lots of contacting/finding new investigators this week. looots of it. but we've seen lots of miracles. like we literally have no idea where we are/where we're going, but God is helping us out a lot. our first day, some members offered to take us out for like 3 hours, which was a HUGE help because we literally had no plans/idea what we were going to do. but we visited some less actives with them and got to know a tiny part of the area. HUGE MIRACLE. and we've found some super cool people from old investigators and just talking to everyone.
we have 2 investigators from the sisters who were here before us, and theyre soooooooo cool! we put them on date this week for october 13th. they're sooo golden. they've been looking for the truth for a long time. they're named rosario and virgilio!
training is fun, its helping me to be a better missionary and person. and hermana wilkey is learning spanish and its fun to help her out and watch her improve
from my reading this week:
alma37:34 Enséñales a no cansa rse nunca de las buenas obras, sino a ser mansos y humildes de corazón; porque estos halla rán descansopara sus almas.
also we read alma 36, which is my fav chapter. woohoo!
hope everyone has a great week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hermana murphy
1. noche de hogar in my last night in rio grande!
2. farah <3
3. our investigators maria and noly!
4. lily, naara, and juan8. lol rain storms :-)
5. wanda!
6. me n mija
7. frappe!