Tuesday, June 26, 2018


big news. im getting transferred!!! basically the first real transfer of my mission haha. im leaving cabo rojo and going to rio grande to be an stl in the san juan zone, which is on the opposite side of the island. im sad to leave but also excited! its crazy because literally EVERYONE thought that hermana peterson was leaving, but its me. sad! but im pumped. but sad to leave everyone here. #rip the eternal companionship

ok i forgot to write about this last week but IT WAS SO AMAZING. so we were having a lesson with luis and the cupeles fam and then we finished the lesson and everything and THEN he just randomly shared his testimony and he was like "i know that this is the true church because this week i got into a fight with my friend and i was really mad and i prayed that God would take away the anger and then he did and i was able to talk to my friend like nothing happened. and because of this i know that this is the true church, and dejo estas cosas dichas en el nombre de Jesucristo, Amen." IT WAS SOOO NICE. AND THE FACT THAT HE SAID IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST AMEN WOW. IT WAS AMAZING. :''''') BEST RC IN THE WORLD. and yesterday he was like "if i want to get a temple recommend what do i have to do'?' :))))))))))))))) so nice

this week we started teaching TWO athiest guys! pretty crazy. neither hermana peterson or i have ever taught any athiests before, but its pretty fun. like they literally have no conception of who God is at ALL. so its literally just starting from ground zero. one of them is the grandson of a member who came to church last week and so we set up an apponitment with him. and hes super friendly and nice, but when we started teaching him, he was like 'there is no way that youre gonna get me to pray or read that bible of yours'" but then at the end of the lesson, he said the closing prayer AND committed to reading like 20 chapters in the book of mormon ahhaha. yes! woohoo! and when he prayed he was like "wow, that was weird. i feel super good! i gotta keep doing that" yeeaaahhh

this week we also got a referral from salt lake for a lady who requested a bible and that had never happened to either of us so that was cooooool. we went and taught her. woohoo!

we also had mlc and president and hermana smart werent even there haha they had a meeting with some general authority (we think) so it was just the APs and the senior couple running the whole thing and it was so fun. and we talked about hurricane preparedness :0 gotta get READY!   

milsa abed and shauri are still progressing. im so sad to leave them theyre the cutest family in the world :( shauri and abed are just so PURE and its so fun to teach them. also jorma FINALLY came to church yesterday. FOR THE FIRST TIME SINCE WEVE BEEN HERE. YESSSSSSSSSSSS. she FINALLY had a sunday where she didnt work. BLESSED. 

thats it for this week. bye!!!!! bye to cabo rojo! <3

hermana murphy

1. RIP the district
2. vaca!!!
3. MLC!
5. the primary of cabo rojo (hes going out of town for like a month.....)
7. OGs
8. luis and the cupeles fam!!! <3
9. RIIIIPPPPP #4transfers

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