Tuesday, June 26, 2018


big news. im getting transferred!!! basically the first real transfer of my mission haha. im leaving cabo rojo and going to rio grande to be an stl in the san juan zone, which is on the opposite side of the island. im sad to leave but also excited! its crazy because literally EVERYONE thought that hermana peterson was leaving, but its me. sad! but im pumped. but sad to leave everyone here. #rip the eternal companionship

ok i forgot to write about this last week but IT WAS SO AMAZING. so we were having a lesson with luis and the cupeles fam and then we finished the lesson and everything and THEN he just randomly shared his testimony and he was like "i know that this is the true church because this week i got into a fight with my friend and i was really mad and i prayed that God would take away the anger and then he did and i was able to talk to my friend like nothing happened. and because of this i know that this is the true church, and dejo estas cosas dichas en el nombre de Jesucristo, Amen." IT WAS SOOO NICE. AND THE FACT THAT HE SAID IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST AMEN WOW. IT WAS AMAZING. :''''') BEST RC IN THE WORLD. and yesterday he was like "if i want to get a temple recommend what do i have to do'?' :))))))))))))))) so nice

this week we started teaching TWO athiest guys! pretty crazy. neither hermana peterson or i have ever taught any athiests before, but its pretty fun. like they literally have no conception of who God is at ALL. so its literally just starting from ground zero. one of them is the grandson of a member who came to church last week and so we set up an apponitment with him. and hes super friendly and nice, but when we started teaching him, he was like 'there is no way that youre gonna get me to pray or read that bible of yours'" but then at the end of the lesson, he said the closing prayer AND committed to reading like 20 chapters in the book of mormon ahhaha. yes! woohoo! and when he prayed he was like "wow, that was weird. i feel super good! i gotta keep doing that" yeeaaahhh

this week we also got a referral from salt lake for a lady who requested a bible and that had never happened to either of us so that was cooooool. we went and taught her. woohoo!

we also had mlc and president and hermana smart werent even there haha they had a meeting with some general authority (we think) so it was just the APs and the senior couple running the whole thing and it was so fun. and we talked about hurricane preparedness :0 gotta get READY!   

milsa abed and shauri are still progressing. im so sad to leave them theyre the cutest family in the world :( shauri and abed are just so PURE and its so fun to teach them. also jorma FINALLY came to church yesterday. FOR THE FIRST TIME SINCE WEVE BEEN HERE. YESSSSSSSSSSSS. she FINALLY had a sunday where she didnt work. BLESSED. 

thats it for this week. bye!!!!! bye to cabo rojo! <3

hermana murphy

1. RIP the district
2. vaca!!!
3. MLC!
5. the primary of cabo rojo (hes going out of town for like a month.....)
7. OGs
8. luis and the cupeles fam!!! <3
9. RIIIIPPPPP #4transfers

Monday, June 18, 2018

June 18, 2018

hi! we had a good week this week.
so milsa and abed and shauri are all so CUTE and THEYRE SO READY TO BE BAPTIZED.
abed is 9 and shauri is 10 and milsa is like 70 lol but theyre all the cutest and we love them.
on friday, our ward had a mothers day/fathers day party (more on THIS later) and we had to go
when it was 9, and so we left but on sunday, a member told us that milsa and the kids had come
after we left! and everyone treated them super well and gave them cake and ice cream and they
loved it. yay!!!!!! theyre so golden.

ok so the ward party. hahahahahah. so apparently it was like a talent show (that no one told us about)
so we got there and hermano valverde was like "hermana peterson is going to play two songs on the
piano!" and she was like ummmmmmmm ok. and then when she finished he was like "and as you all
know, missionaries are never alone. they always have a companion. and so now
hermana murphy is going to come up here and share her talent!" and i was like
ummmmmmmmm and everyone was laughing SUPER HARD because i did not want to go up.
but i did and he kept going "alright she is going to share her talent! im going to give her the mic
and she is going to do it" and i took the mic and said "no tengo talentos" and then hermana peterson
yelled "TELL YOUR JOKES!" (Because about two days before, i learned like 5 spanish jokes) so
i said "tengo un chiste!" and everyone got super excited. so i basically did stand up comedy at the
ward party. HAHAHAHAHAH. here are the jokes i told
a donde van las vacas? de vacaciones
por que el tomate no toma cafe? porque toma te. HAHAHAHAAHHAAHHA.
it was so good. hahahahahhahah. i know mom is so proud of me :))))

this week our mission also started reading the book of mormon together. for 6 months. woohoo!
so we started and this morning i read nephi 4. its about a chapter a day. and every day, we're
supposed to write down a word that came to our mind as we are reading. its super cool! woohoo!!!!!!!
book of mormon!!!!!!!!

this week we also had zone conference and it was SOOOOOOO GOOOOOOOD. like probably the
best zone conference ive ever been too. you could just FEEL the spirit like a slap in the face. we
watched president nelson's youth fireside talk thing and that was pretty fire. i just learned a lot and
had a lot of epiphanys. wowzies. and it was the day i hit a year in the mission. best cumpleanos present ever!

another major accomplishment from the week - so on mothers day, i told the fam how hermana peterson
and i run every morning, and they asked how much, and they werent very impressed with my answer. so
hermana peterson and i decided to start timing ourselves and increasing 30 seconds or a minute every day.
weve been talking about it ever since. it was a pretty big accomplishment.

hermana peterson and i are hoping for #5transfers together. (this week we hit 5 months of companionship,
and we have made a metaphor for this. being with a companion for so long is like running (Bc we're professional
runners now). theres a moment where you feel like youre gonna die, but you push through, and then you feel like
you can go forever HAHAHHA). that would be lit. but we have transfers next week and have no idea whats gonna
happen. but i love it here in cabo rojo and its seriously the best. the mission is just the greatest. ive learned a lot in
my year here and i have lots more to learn. but i think the thing that ive learned the best is just to trust in God and
his timing. his plan is perfect!

love you all!
hermana murphy

1. the cruz's had us over to celebrate my birthday 2 weeks late HAHAH. they were like "we wanted to have
you over on your real birthday but you didnt answer the phone!!!" but we didnt get any phone calls.............
oh well. theyre the best <3333
4. MORE MTC FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!!
5. the ALOOOHA district (some of us went more hawaiian than others for zone conf......)
6. calle AMOR lol
7. this is a chevere wall
8. exchanges with hermana rich!! (we didnt even mean to twin)
9. there are some vacas
10. HAHA so we went over to obispo cruz's house today to vaccum our car and he decided to wash it. and now its super clean. so we took a pic. #og

Monday, June 11, 2018

June 11, 2018


last week, we started teaching milda, abed, and shauri and they are AWESOME. seriously. theyre on date for july 7. milsa is raising abed and shauri (who are 9 and 10) because their parents are not able to, so shes been raising them since they were like 2. and THEY ARE SO CUTE. milsa and abed came to church yesterday and it was SO NICE because literally we had like 10 people tell us that they would come and NO ONE DID. but they showed up late and loved it and YAY! milsa is also the cousin of a super strong member in one of our wards. but we just found them contacting houses. theyre so sweet. and TOTALLY GETTING BAPTIZED.

this week we also did exchanges and i went with hermana vincent in isabela. SHES SO COOL. shes been out for 16 months and i learned so much. and we had a GREAT DAy. we found this super cool guy who is like 25 and he is the boyfriend of the granddaughter of a member and they were at the grandmas house when we went over and we started talking to him and taught him about the book of mormon and gave him one and he was so grateful for the book of mormon. he thanked us like 8 times. and he told us about how he was in jail for like 2 years and he started reading the bible and loved the story of job and it was a super cool lesson. he has lots of potential. too bad hes not in my area. haha.

idk what else, we found lots of cool people. a pretty solid week. i dont really remember anything else. lol.

this morning we did zone olympics and it was so fun haha i had to do something where i had to spin in a circle for like 3 minutes and then shoot a basketball shot but i literally fell on my face when i stopped spinning and tried to shoot i was sooooo dizzy it was so funny. i won the award for "best flop shot". woohoo!

love you all!
hermana murphy

1. yeet
2. zone olympics TWINNING
3. mayaguez zone TILL I DIE
4. sistas
5. milsa and abed!! <3
6. exchanges with hermana vincent in isabela

Monday, June 4, 2018

MIRACLES - May 4, 2018

this week was SICKKKKK. we had a couple BIRTHDAY MIRACLES. we had a noche de hogar with a less active family from cabo rojo 2, and we watched the movie the testaments. and while we were watching, the non-member husband walked in and watched the movie with us! and we were able to give him a book of mormon and such and we have another appointment with them tonight. birthday miracle!!!!!!!!!!!!! we also had a lesson with MIRIAM. yes, remember her? haha. it was like the first good lesson that we've had with her in like a MONTH. and guess what. SHE CAME TO CHURCH YESTERDAY! FOR THE FIRST TIME SINCE HER BAPTISM!!!!!!!!!!! BIRTHDAY MIRACLES!!!!!!!!!!!!! MIRACLES OF FASTING. it was SWEEEEEET. and next week, she can get interviewed and confirmed if all goes well. WOOHOOOO!!!!

we had MLC this week also and it was a good time. and we have it again in a few weeks. woop woop! hermana peterson and i gave a training on how to plan good baptism programs because president smart loved our baptism haha. one thing that we brought from ogden is the 4 minute restoration, which the missionaries share while the person who got baptized is getting dressed. basically you share the message of the restoration super fast and its really good for investigators who are there. and president now made it a mission policy to do it at every baptism. woop woop. #legendstatus

and so on the way home from MLC, since its in bayamon and we had to leave at 6:30 AM, we did our daily planning for the two hours we would have to work that night. and we werent really sure what to do so we prayed and thought about it and i thought of this family that we had contacted like 3 months ago. actually, i might have written about them, idk but we had just started our fast to find families and then like 20 minutes later we walked into them and got a return appointment and such but then they were literally NEVER HOME/ or ignoring us. haha. but i had been thinking about them throughout the week and i thought about them when we were driving back. so we decided to go visit them. so we got home and walked over there to san Francisco courts and as we were walking in, the mom was standing right there! MIRACLES. so we got to talk to her and THEN. GUESS WHAT. she says "de hecho, me bautizaron en la iglesia mormona, cuando tenia como 9 anos. yo y mi papa y mi mama y mi hermano." SHES ALREADY A MEMBER!!!!!!! and she has 4 kids, two who are baptismal age, and her husband isnt a member. MIRACLES!!!!!!!!!!! it was crazy. so we got her phone number and a return appintment for this week. her name is ivelisse. shes super cool. so BASICALLY it was craaazyyyyy. 

hermana peterson and i found a great idea on how to get referrals from members. just ask about PART MEMBER FAMILIES! legit we got like 6 referrals this week because the members arent scared of giving references for people where someone is already a member. haha. so weve been doing that and actually seeing some success from it.

in cabo rojo 2 there was a book of mormon activity this week and it was SICK. they went ALLLLL OUT. they made displays for the liahona and the brass plates and the standard of liberty and the tree of life and the whole activity was on giving book of mormons out to our friends and stuff. it was super awesome! we did a ton of role plays with the members and got them all pretty pumped to share some book of moromons.

yep that was our week. pretty good. i had a good birthday. got some donhelado (donut + ice cream). and i went on exchanges with hermana cluff. and yeah life is goooood here in cabo rojo. 

hermana murphy

1. hawaiian birthday. hermana peterson grew 8 inches for my birthday!
2. mlc (IN A TIME WARP)
3. hermana smart and i are ALMOST twins! just 2 days off :'(
4. puerto real VIEWS
5. cabo rojo <3 the libro de mormon!
6. exchanges with hermana cluff in mayaguez
7. dana and dilma and digna and javier and ethan! (zoom in on dilmas face)