Monday, April 23, 2018

hi! - April 23, 2018

hello! we have a baptism on saturday! LUIS!!!!! hes straight FIRE. so we went to go teach him on thursday and we asked him if he had prayed, and he said yes but that he felt super weird. he said that he got a weird feeling that just told him to leave and stop listening and stop going to church. so he just had a weird feeling for a couple days. we talked about the importance of praying often and reading the scriptures and we had him say the closing prayer for the lesson and it was THE BEST PRAYER IVE EVER HEARD IN MY LIFE. it was so heartfelt and sincere and hermana peterson and i KNEW that he was going to recieve an answer because he just had so much faith. then he came to a baptism that they had in mayaguez on saturday, and he said that he felt super good and excited! and then we taught him yesterday and asked him how he felt and what he was thinking, and he said "me siento bien, lei y ore y desde entonces me he sentido bien, y pues, el sabado, me bautizo." and we were all like YEESSSSSSSSSSS. hermana peterson FREAKED. hahahah. and then he basically bore his testimony about how since he has started coming to church and reading the scriptures and taking the charlas, he has noticed that a lot of bad things have gone away and how he has felt calmer and how he knows that this is the true church. yay! so hes gonna get baptized on saturday. we're so excited!!! hes the best. he has never missed a commitment and is just golden.

yesterday at church i was talking to this one guy, alexander, who is the grandson of a member and comes to church with her every week. and as i was talking to him, i had an epiphany that his grandma said that she was the only member in her family. so i asked him "are you baptized?" and he said no. and then i wondered WHY NO ONE IN THIS WARD TOLD US THAT HE ISNT A MEMBER? literally we have gone to his grandmas house like 3 times and asked for referrals and SHE GAVE US FAKE NAMES. NOT EVEN REAL PEOPLE. AND SHE DIDNT TELL US THAT HER GRANDSON, WHO HAS COME TO CHURCH FOR LIKE 6 MONTHS, ISNT A MEMBER. AND FOR THAT MATTER NO ONE ELSE IN THE WARD. :-) so nice. so we are going to teach him this week. hes like 30ish and literally i dont even know. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYY

dolores is also FIRE right now. we taught her on wednesday and we were talking to her and she was like "in the bible it says to leave your family and friends and follow Jesus and thats what im thinking of doing" HAHAHAHAHAHA since the ONLY reason she cant come to church is because her sister, who has alzheimers, refuses to come to church and she cant find anyone to take careo of her. so we're working on it. but anyways we had a lesson with her about reading the book of mormon every day and shes been updating us on where she is in her reading like 8 times a day hahaha. shes basically done with first nephi! woo! in our lesson, we read the first 2 chapters with her and when she heard about lehi leaving everything and going into the desert she said "thats like me! except i want to leave my family ,and take my clothes" hahahhah. shes hilarious

this week we also did exchanges with hermanas guido and cluff and i went with hermana cluff to mayaguez! it was fun. we put someone on DATE for NEXT SATURDAY so that was pretty exciting. idk if i wrote this before but when hermana peterson and i were covering the four wards, there was this lady in mayaguez, jennifer, who wanted to get baptized but she couldnt because she lived with her boyfriend but she came to church every week. well this week her boyfriend FINALLY moved out so we put her on date and shes getting baptized on saturday! woohoo! baptisms!

have a good week YALL
hermana murphy!

i figured mom would like a pic of me in my Ecuador shoes so here's me eating corn ice cream

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