Monday, October 9, 2017

Lit-on- October 9,2017

get it? its like layton, but LITon.
first of all HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALYSE!!!! IN 3 DAYS!! what i love about alyse: she always sends me PICTURES AND VIDEOS of dane graham and lucy!!! and she is the ONLY ONE who has sent me letters of any kind. haha. not calling anyone else out...... hehe. but really, i appreciate the letters and that she tells me about the little details in life. its so fun to read them! and alyse has always been really good at this, just keeping us all in the loop of whats going on in her life. shes a good example of a fun MOM and doing good things and keeping busy all the time. i love alyse!!! have a gooood one! 
this week, another week in layton utah. such an interesting place. haha. it was another week of finding. we have received some referrals, but finding is hard here. we do a lot of looking on the area book to look for former and potential investigators to go teach. its hard to find people in their homes too. because people are usually working. 
there are a couple areas where we do most of our work, since that seems to be where most of the Latinos live. but our area is super huge so we will have to spread out a little bit. 
 im coming back. everything is so different from puerto rico. but i heard yesterday that 10% of the island has light!!! wooo!!!!!! best news ive heard all week. 
one thing that we did this week - 
theres a guy in the ward (Ellison Park) who works at a catering company, and he says that they always have a TON  of leftover bread at the end of the day. so, he has started calling us and the other sisters in the ward to give us bread to give to investigators and such. since we dont really have investigators, we used it as a finding opportunity and went to former investigators houses and less actives to drop off the bread and show a video on the BREAD OF LIFE. hahaa. we made cards and put the scripture in John about the bread of life and hahah it was so artsy. so hipster. so wow. but we had a couple lessons and got some return appointments so that was good! woo!!!
other than that, we just are working on finding people all day. we have visited some less actives this week, but we need to do more of that. we found some good people, some families, and have appointments for this week. mostly everyone here has been taught by missionaries before, so we have to learn to be more creative and bold. 
i had my first sunday in the ward yesterday and it seems awesome. the bishop is super great and we had ward council (WHAT? WARD COUNCIL? we didnt have ward council ONCE in puerto rico hahaha). we also had a meeting with the stake presidency and some other peeps. i guess this is what its like to be in utah. to actually have meetings on sundays. 
today, for pday, we went on a hike in adams canyon! (i think thats the name..) and it was SO COLD. and SUCH A LONG HIKE. but the waterfall was super cool. 
love you all!
hermana murphy

1. all the PRSJ missionaries!
3. a dog named MURPHY

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