Monday, October 30, 2017

October 30, 2017

hola!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY AUSTIN!!!! what i love about austin is that he always gives such good advice!!!! lololololol. hes always very mindful about what he emails me and i can tell he puts a lot of thought into it and really cares!!! and when we were at BYU together i think we got closer than we ever were before and it was so fun!! fun times eating in the cannon center and cougar eat.... goooood times. SBS!! hes also just a SW. 

this week was pretty good. we're still teaching david y samuel, and we extended an invitation for baptism and they were like "mmmm idk." haha. we're trying to figure out how to get them more EXCITED and WANT to learn more, so we need to start bringing young men to the lessons to help us out. but their mom really wants them to get baptized, so that helps. they came to church yesterday!  they have support from their fam. we just gotta help them now.
we also taught BIRIDIANA! she and her family are from Mexico and we found them just on the street. they're super nice and this week, we stopped by one day and gave us food, and then we went back the next day and taught them the restoration. they've talked to missionaries before and are catholic, but we have some super good converts in the ward that could help us with them. and the best surprise of the week - they came to our ward halloween party!!! "baile de la fantasia" hahaha. we went by to invite them earlier in the day and didn't expect them to come, but about half an hour after it started they walked in and it was soooo goooood! the ward was SUPER GREAT and everyone was talking to them and they had a good time. Yay!
There is another family that we are beginning to work with. There is a ward missionary in one of the English wards who has befriended them and is inviting them to ward activities and stuff. They went to a ward Halloween party AND a primary program on sunday!! She gave us this referral a couple weeks ago and we've gone to visit them, but we havent been able to teach them yet. Weve been working with her though. There is a grandma and grandpa, a mom and dad, and 2 daughters, about 12 and 9. Only the daughters speak English. We have an appointment with them tonight! Theyre the Rodriguez fam from Venezuela.
On Saturday, we went to go sing at an assisted care living home and one of the aids who works there said she would be willing to hear us! When we first went, she was like "no, I've already talked to missionaries before, I do not need to hear anything " but she was so touched by our singing she opened up and accepted an appointment! Then we went by on Sunday and taught her and she was super good and accepting. Her name is rose, and she's lived in Utah for her whole life so she's fluent in Spanish and English.
That was our week! I found a good scripture that I really like in d&c 64:33

33 Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work. And out of small things proceedeth that which is great.

Yeeeeeet! Just gotta Keep doing good things! Yay!

Hermana Murphy 

1) biridiana, juan (her brother) (her husbands name is also juan but he didn't come), biridianas mom (im not sure of her name oops), angie, and lindsey. we were not expecting them to come but they showed up and it was the best surprise EVER! (they might not look very happy to be there, but i promise. they had a great time. especially Lindsey, the girl in the indian costume, and Juan, the guy. they were dancing the whole time. it was sooooo funny.)
2. hermana bliss and i with angelina and lindsey!
3. just doing some service for a family in the ward. my broom was so short
5. #prsj

Monday, October 23, 2017


Well, probably the most exciting thing that happened this week was this earthquake drill we had on Friday. Hahaha  there's supposedly an earthquake coming here. 
We also had a new missionary training, for all the missionaries in their first transfer and the Puerto Rico missionaries. We practiced teaching the lessons and they told us a ton of information. 
We found a mom & daughter on Saturday night, Maria y Melany. Melany is about 12. We taught the restoration and they seemed super interested and said they would read 3 Nephi 11. Woo! It's always nice when people invite you inside, because it doesn't happen too often here. 
We're also still teaching David y samuel. I think they're definitely our most hopeful investigators. We taught about the Book of Mormon and samuel was like "I think I know about that, we learned about it in church on sunday" and he proceeded to tell us the whole story about the Book of Mormon perfectly, including the lost 116 pages. And he's only 10!
One useful thing I did get out of the training was that I need to be bolder. In this mission they don't count someone as a "New investigator" until they have been invited to baptism, to try to get us to invite on the first contact. SO that night, we were talking to a guy outside and we taught the restoration in like 5 minutes and I kept feeling like I should invite him to baptism! So I did. And he was kinda hesitant but then he was like "I guess if I find out these things are true" so woo! The answer wasn't that great, but it was the first time I've done that in the first time talking to someone and it turned out ok! So from this, I've learned I need to be bolder and always follow the spirit when it tells me to say something :-)
We're continuing in the 90 day book of Mormon challenge and I just finished 2 Nephi! I really liked 2 Nephi 25. And all of it.

That's it for this week! I'm staying in Layton for another 6 weeks, with hermana bliss. Wooo!

Hermana murphy

Monday, October 16, 2017

Fun week with lots of exciting stuff!- October 16, 2017

hello!!! another email, another week in layton utah. this week has been gooood. we've been working, still, on finding! weve contacted in parking lots, which is surprisingly effective, knocked on doors, and went to a lot of future investigators houses. we try to ask anyone "do you know if any of your neighbors are hispanic?" good times. 
anyways, weve found a couple of good people to teach this week. we have two boys, samuel and david, 10 and 13, the stepsons of a member in the ward. we've taught them twice this week and they went to church yesterday!! we have another appointment with them this week. their mom isn't a member either, so we have to teach her too!!
we also have a couple we've been teaching. they're a young married couple with 2 kids. they were former investigators, and we knocked on their door and they were super nice and let us in! we've taught them twice as well, and are seeing them tonight. they're named andy and donna. 
we have others that we're seeing, but tbh i can't remember right now. but no investigators that are progressing too much. but we're working on it!
the hard part is finding people in their homes. like we make appointments, show up, and then they arent there :-) love it. but there are little miracles every day that we see.
the mission is doing a 90 day book of mormon challenge! its been super awesome. we're highlighting every reference to Christ and its been amazing to see that there is literally a reference on EVERY PAGE! it has really made it obvious that without Christ, we wouldn't really have anything. because he does everything. and i'm only in 2nd nephi! :0 so much more to read! everyone should do this, if you havent done it. its super cool.
this week, i also got to add some of the members and my investigators from San German on facebook! i've been chatting with Ramon, a recent convert, and he says that they're doing well. they don't have running water or electricity, but they said that they're doing fine. not everyone has accepted my requests, so im not sure if they're ignoring me or just because of the lack of electricity :---) and i can't find everyone i want to, but im still looking. Ramon said he went to church yesterday, so at least the ward and church building are good!! 

so yeeeeahhhh. that was this week! nothing too crazy. just spreading the word like butter. thanks for everyone's support and love! <3 luv u all

hermana murphy

this week wasn't too exciting, so i have like no pics. they're all so fun!!!!

2. special shoutout to dane who sent me this unicorn. so nice!!! haha. 
3. i know you cant read the sign but it says no religious groups. hehehe. jokes on them!!!!

Monday, October 9, 2017

Lit-on- October 9,2017

get it? its like layton, but LITon.
first of all HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALYSE!!!! IN 3 DAYS!! what i love about alyse: she always sends me PICTURES AND VIDEOS of dane graham and lucy!!! and she is the ONLY ONE who has sent me letters of any kind. haha. not calling anyone else out...... hehe. but really, i appreciate the letters and that she tells me about the little details in life. its so fun to read them! and alyse has always been really good at this, just keeping us all in the loop of whats going on in her life. shes a good example of a fun MOM and doing good things and keeping busy all the time. i love alyse!!! have a gooood one! 
this week, another week in layton utah. such an interesting place. haha. it was another week of finding. we have received some referrals, but finding is hard here. we do a lot of looking on the area book to look for former and potential investigators to go teach. its hard to find people in their homes too. because people are usually working. 
there are a couple areas where we do most of our work, since that seems to be where most of the Latinos live. but our area is super huge so we will have to spread out a little bit. 
 im coming back. everything is so different from puerto rico. but i heard yesterday that 10% of the island has light!!! wooo!!!!!! best news ive heard all week. 
one thing that we did this week - 
theres a guy in the ward (Ellison Park) who works at a catering company, and he says that they always have a TON  of leftover bread at the end of the day. so, he has started calling us and the other sisters in the ward to give us bread to give to investigators and such. since we dont really have investigators, we used it as a finding opportunity and went to former investigators houses and less actives to drop off the bread and show a video on the BREAD OF LIFE. hahaa. we made cards and put the scripture in John about the bread of life and hahah it was so artsy. so hipster. so wow. but we had a couple lessons and got some return appointments so that was good! woo!!!
other than that, we just are working on finding people all day. we have visited some less actives this week, but we need to do more of that. we found some good people, some families, and have appointments for this week. mostly everyone here has been taught by missionaries before, so we have to learn to be more creative and bold. 
i had my first sunday in the ward yesterday and it seems awesome. the bishop is super great and we had ward council (WHAT? WARD COUNCIL? we didnt have ward council ONCE in puerto rico hahaha). we also had a meeting with the stake presidency and some other peeps. i guess this is what its like to be in utah. to actually have meetings on sundays. 
today, for pday, we went on a hike in adams canyon! (i think thats the name..) and it was SO COLD. and SUCH A LONG HIKE. but the waterfall was super cool. 
love you all!
hermana murphy

1. all the PRSJ missionaries!
3. a dog named MURPHY

Monday, October 2, 2017

October 2, 2017

Well this week was definitely different than I'm used to. In every way possible. First of all. All the missionaries have TABLETS and SMARTPHONES. I'm currently writing this email using our phone. So weird. And we have CARS. It's also cold. Which is weird. 
This week has been interesting.

So you all know how I got here with basically nothing. No clothes or shoes or anything. Haha. Well, the people here have been SUPER NICE and have donated a ton of clothes and money to help out the Puerto Rico missionaries!! We have 3 sisters and 3 elders. One of the sisters is hermana Fawcett, who was in my ward at BYU!! And the 3 elders are all from the Dominican republic. 
My area is Layton, the ward is called Ellison Park. It's a Spanish ward and covers 3 stakes. But remember, Utah stakes. We go around all day looking for Hispanics. And half the people we talk to are already members. 
My companion is hermana bliss from enod Oklahoma. She's super awesome! She's been out for 8 months and this is her first transfer in this area. So we're whitewashing. We share the area with 2 elders (one is elder Martinez from the Puerto Rico group) and 2 other sisters (one is sister peterson from tha mish!) 
This week, as I said, was a lot of meetings. We have been going back and forth to the office to just get settled in and stuff. We also had the "quarterly sisters meeting" on Tuesday.
We found one el salvadorian family who we've taught twice. Other than that, we've just been trying to find. Hopefully We'll be able to teach more this week. 
It's weird being in the mission with technology. Like We were at a meeting and they said "Ok can everyone open up their scriptures to..." And everyone just pulled out their tablets. Hahaha. Sister Peterson and I were the only ones with real scriptures. 
Soooo yeeeah. Utah!!! It's still weird to be here. Haha. I'm just learning how it's going. 
Have A gr8 week everyone!!!
Hermana Murphy

1. Salt lake temple! Never expected to be back here...
2. We got into the Sunday afternoon session of conference :-) 
3. Also hermana bliss and I TWINNED at conference. Good times. The two girls with us are members in the ward.