Thursday, June 22, 2017

I'M ALIVE!- June 22, 2017

hello!! i have survived my first week at the MTC! actually, i didn't just survive, but i THRIVED! the CCM is awesome! there are only 25 of us here right now so everything is in super small groups and very personal and its really fun. the food is good. lots of rice and beans and meat. and fruit. occasionally they throw some vegetables in there. its fun!!!! my companions name is hermana smith from rexburg idaho. we also have a hatian sister living in our room. she only speaks french but we communicate with lots of sign language. there are 8 hatians here and only one of them speaks english but we tight. we play sports together and we say "bonjour" to each other. i have three teachers, hermana martinez, harmana eusebio, and hermano gomez. they're all super fun and chiiiiilllllllllllll. they all speak english which is good but they really try to make us speak spanish in our lessons. we are basically in class all day except for meals or physical activity. im basically fluent in spanish now!!! jk!!!!!!! its fun though. yesterday, we finally got out of the compound and got to go to a park next to the MTC and go do some service (picking up leaves and trash) and I finally had my first conversation with somene outside of the MTC! unfortunately, i said "buenos dias" instead of "buenas tardes" so it was disastrous. all my hard work, gone to waste. hahahhah. life is good though. one of our teachers acts as an investigator that we are teaching and all of our lessons have been terrible. hahah. its ok though. they would be good if they weren't in spanish, but since they're in spanish we get all flustered whenever he asks a question and and we don't know how to answer. and they kind of just let us prepare our lessons without telling us how to do anything so thats fun too. but we're learning. i can now pray in spanish and bear my testimony, which is basically just saying "yo sé"a lot. 
my district is 4 hermanas and 2 elders. they're all really cool! we spend basically all day with our districts so im glad they arent annoying :----)
yesterday, elder zivic (of the Caribbean area presidency) and his wife came to speak to us! Sister zivic spoke about spiritual gifts and being the best us we can be and not comparing ourselves. a very relief society topic. but it was super good. and Elder Zivic spoke about remembering Christ in all we're doing, keeping investigators active and converting them, and the book of mormon. he said no one is looking out for us more than Jesus Christ, since we're on his mission! :0. so deep. super good. 
this morning we went to the temple which was so fun! the temple was so beautiful! 
alright here are some pixxxxxx.
im not sure what else to write so i have 20 minutes left of email time so yeah.

1. the view from my crib
.2. me and a sister from jamaica! shes hermana brown and has 2 sisters serving missions currently :0 
3. me n soeur thelusma, the hatian sister! shes great.
its not letting me attach any more pics so ill send another email
4. all tha hermanas!
5. the person taking the picture didn't tell us he was taking the pic so many people are unprepared but heres some of us!!! its #lit

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